Sunday, January 19, 2014

Weeks 2 & 3

How quickly time flies, and how the world can look so very different in the blink of an eye. Just a week ago I was just thawing out from almost a week long of being snowed in. The weather went from beautiful flurries to a combo of rain and snow making the streets slushy and very dangerous. Of course ice was in the forecast and with a wind-chill of 45 degrees below zero- it took days for the snow and ice to melt. Needless to say we were freezing our asses off here in Chicago.

It's been a cold year so far, figuratively and literally speaking.

Between the recent passing of my great aunt and one of my uncles I'm in a place that I can't say I've ever been. My family is nuts and beautiful at the same time. At this point that's all I have to say about that because what I feel really cannot adequately be expressed in words.

On another note, I've been quite absent from my weekly class; an online radio show that I used to listen to faithfully twice a week. So far this year I haven't made sure that I've tuned in, and the times that I could listen to the downloaded shows I haven't given that much time either. But there was one thing that stuck out for me from the radio show, it was a short and sweet definition of WILL.

WILL: the execution of a decision

I've decided... now it's time to execute.

On the short list of goals for this week is to finish another zodiac inked piece (which means I better get to the art store very soon and buy more pens) and to complete week 1 of the Master Cleanse (today is day 2 for me).

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Week 1

It's a new year, excitement is in the air all around. We hear it in the media, commercials are plentiful with promises of "newness"; bottom ups, let's toast to this New Year. Usually I'd have so much to say that I can't write or type fast enough- not this time though. Honestly I'm struggling, struggling with organizing my thoughts, but eager to share.
So, here goes...

Welcome to my blog: 2014: Ambitious Bold Creations

Every week will include a post or two documenting my journey in my quest to re-invent the person known to some as Jequiche, and to most known as simply Kesha.

I start this new year with a ridiculous clean slate- no crib, no car, no job... DAMN. Never before have I been in such a situation, regardless though I have the most important thing in life- love. I also have the support of my family and close friends, the ambition to pursue the changes I wish to see in my life, and the determination to not give up on me. Besides acquiring a JCC - (a job, a car, and a crib) there's a short list of other goals that are in the works: To grow in my spirituality, publish my first book, and expand my art business. In the weeks and months ahead throughout this year efforts will be made to continue growing in each of these areas. Stay tuned, and thank you for joining me on this journey.